Prepare Him Room - Joy Made Complete

I love nativity sets. I love each artist's depiction of Mary and Joseph with hearts to follow God, and the sweet baby they both look at adoringly. As we gaze with them, we are acutely aware of what Mary and Joseph knew then, and what the world did not yet know. This baby was the Son of God, Immanuel, Jesus the Christ.

There was no fanfare in the city of Bethlehem the night Jesus was born. Mary and Joseph slipped in so unnoticed that there was not even a place for them to stay. Our Savior's first bed was a manger. It was a non-event for the city. People went about their everyday routine interrupted only by the activities of the day. 

The fanfare happened in a nearby field with shepherds and sheep. It was unexpected and sudden. The shepherds found themselves standing in the midst of great light - the glory of the Lord, the manifest presence of God Himself. An angel appeared with a message. It was good news, the best of news, news of great joy for all people. "For Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." (Luke 2:11) Then, just as suddenly as that one angel appeared, a whole multitude of angels appeared. Together, they praised God for the news they themselves delivered. It must have been a spectacular sight!

And then they were gone. 

Everything was strangely the same but forever different. With hearts full of joy, the shepherds hurried to Bethlehem, not to see if it was true, but to see what they already knew was true. And there He was. Jesus. Just as they had been told. They returned to their life praising God and sharing with great joy this good news. People were amazed. God was glorified.

It is interesting that the spectacular celebration was for people outside of the miraculous birth. They were uninvolved, but joyful benefactors. We are too - only because someone shared with us this Good News of great joy. Christmas reminds us of the fresh joy His coming brings to a heart without Him. 

May the Good News of Christ's birth not be only something we casually retweet with a click. 
It is precious and personal, good news of great joy to all people. The perfect gift.
Is the joy in your heart glorifying God and pointing people to the Good News today?

(Luke 2:8-20)
