Prepare Him Room - The Greatest Love
God lovingly placed a star in the sky the night Jesus was born. Far away in the east, the Magi saw it. Much of what they did involved the stars, so God put that star where they were looking. He meant for them to come. Scripture says they went straight to Jerusalem and asked where the baby was. It must have puzzled them that the religious leaders did not know about the birth of the new King. By now Jesus was no longer a newborn. The religious leaders knew the scripture but were unaware of the Savior.
With new information, the Magi headed to Bethlehem. As they began, that same star reappeared! They followed the star to the exact house in which Jesus lived. There, they bowed down and worshiped the Christ Child.
"Worship" in the ancient Orient, paints a picture of falling on one's knees with forehead to the ground. It is what one would do in the presence of someone they consider vastly superior to themselves. The mental image of the regal Magi with their foreheads pressed to the ground before baby Jesus is powerful. The Magi could not have known what else would come in the life and death of Jesus, but God did, and so, now, do we. So what is our response to baby Jesus this Christmas?
The love that wells up in our vulnerable heart to the Christ Child calls for worship. It leads us to drop to our knees with our forehead to the ground in complete submission. We worship the One who gave His Son, the One who gave His life, the One who loved us with perfect love from the beginning and will to the end. No one in this life deserves that kind of worship except Jesus. He does not demand it, but the love He offers compels us to give Him our heart, our life, our treasures, our all.
Right now, people who love each other are exchanging gifts.
What part of your heart, life or treasure does your love for Jesus compel you to give to Him today?
(Matthew 2:1-12)