Christmas Isn't Christmas 'till it Happens in Your Heart

Many years ago, a dear friend of mine sang a Christmas chorus while we were busy about a task. I had never heard the song but the simple chorus caught my attention and touched me deeply. Some time later, we moved and became a part of a church whose tradition it was for the entire congregation to hold hands across the isle and sing a chorus of benediction at the end of each service. It was there that the same Christmas song came into my life again. We sang it every Sunday from Thanksgiving to the New Year. For all the years we worshipped there, tears rolled down my face each time we sang the chorus. Oh how precious Christmas is to us as believers! Click here to hear the whole song.

by Jimmy and Carol Owens

Christmas isn’t Christmas
Till it happens in your heart.
Somewhere deep inside you
Is where Christmas really starts.
So give your heart to Jesus,
You’ll discover when you do
That it’s Christmas,
Really Christmas for you.

I love that chorus and while I still sing it alone, I miss singing it with fellow believers. I miss holding hands with people I love in Christ while we sing to The Christ. I miss the hands that squeeze at the end of the song, and the hugs. And I miss the encouragement gained from having been together before we depart to the world. Oh that all people would come to experience the richness of knowing the one whose birth we celebrate at Christmas.
