Finishing Well

Apparently I am now middle-aged. I am not real sure when that happened because I used to think those people were old. But now that I am peering ahead at senior citizenship, I have decided I like it here. The term "middle-aged" is a little deceiving since I doubt I will live another 55 years, but I know that each day brings me closer and closer to seeing Jesus face to face. For now, the following question has been presented to me: How will you finish? For the last months in our small group Bible study, we have been focusing on finishing well. Scripture gives two contrasting models in Solomon and Paul.

At a young age, Solomon followed his father David, as king of Israel and reigned for 40 years. God bestowed on him much wealth and he built many buildings, including the temple that David had wanted to build. However, "when Solomon was old . . . his heart was not loyal to the LORD his God." (I Kings 11:4) It is a sad ending to the life of the man who is remembered most for his God given wisdom. No matter how much God used Solomon in his lifetime, at the end he finished poorly.

Paul, on the other hand was guilty of the worst kind of persecution of first century Christians. He was a religious man who knew a lot about God but did not know God. He met Jesus on the road to Damascus and was forever changed. All the passion and zeal he had previously put toward persecuting Christians was now funneled toward following the leadership of Jesus and telling everyone he met about the risen Savior. Paul was put to death for his beliefs. Before he died he wrote "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." (2 Timothy 4:7) Even though Paul had a rough start, he finished well.

I so want to finish well!
"For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain." (Philippians 1:21)
to live is Christ - that's right now if I'm still alive - gain comes later!
