Who Is Traveling In the Lane Beside Me?

I was driving down the highway recently and started up a small hill, when I noticed the car in the lane next to me was pushing hard to make it up that hill. This was not a mountain but a slight, gradual rise in the road. My little Honda took it with no effort. As I passed the struggling car, I noticed it was also a Honda, but a Honda that had experienced a lot of abuse. From what I could see, three of the four corners of the car were dented. The wheels bowed out and wobbled like cartoon wheels. The paint was peeling and the fabric from the inside ceiling hung in strips. The back bumper was completely gone. I stopped to turn left and as the car sputtered past me, I noticed the license plate frame proudly proclaimed "LEXUS."

I wanted to laugh but the sight was just too sad.

I think maybe we are like that car, traveling in massive contradictions. Most of us have experienced hurt whether it is visible or not. Some push hard through the hurt. Some stick a sign on it, hoping no one will notice what is underneath. Still others go on obviously burdened by the hurt that has become a visible part of their life. 

I hope you have been to the healer and can travel in peace. Sometimes God puts people in the lane beside us that He wants us to see. Do we see who they really are? We both have the same Maker but do we both know Him? Maybe, . . . but are we both trusting Him for all He wants to do? 

Are you traveling in the lane beside someone who needs healing?

He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.' Matthew 25:45 (NIV)


Anonymous said…
Marilyn, this is such a good word picture of Matthew 25:45 -- Once we become Christ-followers, we understand that what we used to call a "coincidence" is really a "GOD thing"!! =)
Marilyn said…
That is so true! After my eyes were opened to that truth, I began to be amazed at what I previously thought were coincidences! He speaks!