How Much Do You Have To Hate Someone...
I was teaching some classes in Merrill Building at Jacksonville State University. The building had a huge two story lobby with curved staircases on either side. I had taught my first class and was going downstairs to clear my head. I was within three steps of the ground when something went terribly wrong. I'm not real sure what happened but I was suddenly on the floor and in a great deal of pain. I found out later that I had broken my leg. Now the interesting thing is that I was smack dab in the middle of "young adult world." And at a time when much of their entertainment was derived at the expense of another's discomfort. They generally laugh pretty hard at things like people falling. But no one laughed. What they did do was try not to let me know that they had seen me. I suppose they were embarrassed for me. This week I am in New Orleans and I just completed a course on lifestyle evangelism. I've been thinking about our attitude to those who do not yet know ...