The Importance of Being Attached

Two weeks ago I sent a big manila envelope to New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. It contained two very important things: a paper (stapled) and a check (my tuition). Then last week I went to Nashville to the National Women's Leadership Forum. It was wonderful!

While I was in Nashville I had a chance to talk with the sweet ladies who received my manila envelope. The question they asked me? "Did you not send a check?" I immediately went into panic mode. I knew I put it in the envelope. I could see myself dropping it in - oops! I did just that! I dropped it in the envelope. I did not attach it. And now it was a very important piece of paper . . . lost in the envelope . . . lost in the trash . . . toted off somewhere . . . all by itself!

All that turned out ok. I wrote another check. But I got to thinking about the importance of being attached. Each of us, as children on God, is so much more valuable than a check for any amount. Any one of us could easily slip away unnoticed if not attached. Last week I enjoyed the fellowship of the precious ladies on my leadership team at the church I just left. I love them dearly! Today I am thinking about the importance of making those same kind of attachments at my new church home. I'm a member - now I need to attach!

Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:25
