To My Bible Study Ladies in Gadsden

But you aren't my Bible Study ladies, are you? You are His

I thank God for you and I praise Him for the privilege of serving Him along side you for the twenty-one years we were at Twelfth Street Baptist Church. Oh my, what a journey this has been! Almost thirteen years ago, Jerre and I were in Nashville and went by the LifeWay store. I found a women's Bible study on the old testament tabernacle called A Woman's Heart by Beth Moore. I was eager to do the study so I encouraged Donna Conrad to lead it. Before the study was finished however, God moved Donna to Georgia, leaving me to finish the study. Wow! That was a long time ago. 

Those first years I tried so many different ways to teach! I studied and my heart was so full! Every study that we did I wanted to study more than the last. I prayed that God would make me hungry and He did! I just could not wait to tell you all that I learned, but I struggled with the delivery. The suggestions in the book didn't work for me so I kept trying different things. You were so patient with me as I searched for my identity as a teacher of the Word. You were my "safe place" as I became more and more comfortable being myself and allowing God to teach His Word through me. 

And now God has moved me to another place and opened the door for you to be blessed with other gifted teachers. I wouldn't take anything for the time I have spent with you. I love that once young people and college students have grown up to be young women eager to study the Bible. I love that women who are mature in years still don't tire of studying the Bible. I love that women of all ages find their commonality in Jesus Christ and meet in the Word!

Ladies, I love you. I pray God's blessing on your present Bible study and all the ones to come!


Anonymous said…

You are so sweet and precious to all of us here at Twelfth Street and you will always be one of us. Why did your followers for your blog disappear? I use to be set up to follow you but when you sent me the message I noticed you were no longer listed in my list of blogs that I follow and I had no idea what your blog site address was. Had to track it down via facebook. Please add your blog follower list back.
Misty Parker said…
Thank you Marilyn. I miss you and pray for you and Jerre often. I wish you could come to the PURIM feast on Aug 11th. I would love to see you and hear about B'ham. COngratulations on being a NANA once again!! Love you!