But you aren't my Bible Study ladies, are you? You are His ! I thank God for you and I praise Him for the privilege of serving Him along side you for the twenty-one years we were at Twelfth Street Baptist Church. Oh my, what a journey this has been! Almost thirteen years ago, Jerre and I were in Nashville and went by the LifeWay store. I found a women's Bible study on the old testament tabernacle called A Woman's Heart by Beth Moore. I was eager to do the study so I encouraged Donna Conrad to lead it. Before the study was finished however, God moved Donna to Georgia, leaving me to finish the study. Wow! That was a long time ago. Those first years I tried so many different ways to teach! I studied and my heart was so full! Every study that we did I wanted to study more than the last. I prayed that God would make me hungry and He did! I just could not wait to tell you all that I learned, but I struggled with the delivery. The suggestions in the book didn't work for me...