Leaning In

Last weekend we were able to visit our daughter and her family in Louisiana. Theirs is a busy life full of the activities of four children ages 3 months to 7 years. I love my time with them. Their 7 year old, Jonathan, is my first grandchild. He is a typical first child and all boy. I'm not sure there is anything he thinks he cannot do. "I'll do it Nana!" or "I can do it Nana!" filter our every conversation. His tremendously strong will has served him well and, yes, there are so many things he can do - all by himself! However, there really are some things his seven year old self cannot do and there are some things that he could do better with some help and instruction. God has His hand on him and I know He will use every dab of who he is to make Jonathan the man He wants him to be. Sunday came, he opted for missing children's worship and sat by me in "big church." He sang, he completed his handout from Bible study, and as the hour ...