Everyone Has Their Own Box of Rocks
Yesterday, a friend said to me "Everyone has their own box of rocks." That stuck with me for the rest of the day and I woke up this morning with that box of rocks still on my mind. What a great analogy for painful life experiences. Life beats us all up. No matter who you are, if you live very long, the rocks are coming. And they contribute significantly to who we become. What are we to do with that box of rocks we have collected? Some of those who have been hurt by rocks hold them close to their chest and thrust those same rocks at anyone who comes near. Some bury their head so far into their rocks they become almost unrecognizable. Their most glaringly apparent attribute is the markings of the rocks. Some hold onto the rocks with a death grip. The rocks become a trophy that cannot be pried from their fist. Still, we look at others and wonder if they ever had any rocks thrown at them. Where is their box? In Jeremiah 17:5-10, God gives us a comparison o...