The Big Picture

My family comes home for the Fourth of July. This year I put out a jigsaw puzzle of Lady Liberty. We love jigsaw puzzles. It is a great non-competitive, non-threatening place around which to congregate. No ones knows how long it has been since you found a piece to fit (except for the sudden exclamations of "I finally found one!") and conversation is easy. They helped me with Lady Liberty while they were here, but I was left to finish all the blue sky alone. There are two issues here that you may notice, both of which slowed down the progress of finishing the puzzle. My sister gave me the puzzle and she has a dog who might very well have enjoyed the puzzle before me. There is a piece completely missing just under her arm and there is a "chewed up" piece in the top right corner. Here's the problem with that. I looked everywhere for the missing piece and tried desperately to make other pieces fit in the empty place. Worse than that, I completely ignored the che...