To My Children

In this house, you both grew up. You grew up physically, mentally and spiritually. You were fed a steady diet of chicken fingers, math, and Bible, laced with lots of love and laughter. We played every board game out there (even dominoes), sang karaoke', and bowled with Wii. (I heard you also slid down the banister with the babysitter!) We watched lots of movies and yes, reality television! You both learned to drive. Many dance pictures were made by that pink chair! We celebrated birthdays, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. We dyed Easter eggs and you tried to sell rocks. Lots of people have spent the night here: Disciple Now, Acteens, Continental Singers, and many, many friends. It was always fun. Our New Years Eve celebrations sometimes lasted until daybreak and we looked forward to them every year. We spent much time talking and praying. We had Bible study and prayer meetings. We grieved over lost love and lost loved ones. We saw God answer prayers and direct our desires. You both fel...