Living in Exile

I was reading through the book of Revelation this week and as I began I was struck by the apostle John's situation. He was the last living apostle and he was old, around 90. All the other apostles at this point were gone, having died horrible deaths for their faith. Now here was John, the youngest disciple, still alive, still sharing Jesus. And that's what got him in trouble. Because of his continued testimony of Jesus Christ, he was exiled to the Island of Patmos.

So I was thinking about what a rich life he had lived, all he had seen and experienced, how we got to see him mature in his faith. He was "the disciple that Jesus loved." He knew Jesus loved him! But then, at the end of his life, he was taken away from the every day of his home, his people, and his God given ministry. A 90 year old man, alone, left to die out in the elements on a small island, certainly not able to do ministry.

But we don't have to wonder what he was thinking. While I might have been all inside myself wallowing in self pity, the very next verse tells us he was in the Spirit and he knew it was Sunday, the day of worship! He surely must have been worshiping when he heard a loud voice like a trumpet. When he turned to the voice he saw that it was Jesus in His glory! The Jesus he loved and who loved him, familiar but different. 

The rest of Revelation tells us all the things he saw and heard. While an emperor sent John to die, God redeemed that sentence in a mighty way. He had a message for John. God told him to write down everything He was to show him. Then He preserved it for all of us. 

John, the beloved disciple walked with Jesus during His earthly ministry, but in his last days, he experienced "The revelation of Jesus Christ" unveiled, glorified and exalted. What a tremendous gift. 

Over the last months, I, like you have felt something akin to living in exile from my family and normal life. Most recently I have watched my involvement in different ministries being chipped away. Tears come as I type. This pandemic is nothing compared to John's suffering, but this I know - the same Jesus who redeemed John's exile to Patmos is my Jesus. Can we be where John was spiritually? John did what scripture teaches. We can too.

Ephesians 5:18 tells us to be filled with the Spirit. Hebrews 3:15 says that when we hear His voice not to harden our hearts. Worship. Listen. Expect. Respond. See. Keep loving God-That's our core.

I, John, both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was on the island that is called Patmos for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day, and I heard behind me a loud voice, as of a trumpet (Revelation 1:9-10)
